Monday 7 June 2010

Home again home again...

Just been to Capital Summertime Ball with B and E and D who B likes. D is male and B and E are female by the way. I wore a tight and low denim dress and although I felt that I looked good I hope it wasn't too slaggy... 

I lie so easily. Everything I do is exaggerated to please my intended audience. It upsets me.

I bought my first vibrator yesterday. It was a bit embarrassing but fun :) I am still too worried to share any gory details online, but it was Ann Summers and it was a laugh. A planned laugh.

Saw SB yesterday aswell. Basically... He was on the train station with a friend and we chatted as a three on the train and he was a little flirty and he stole and drank my Ribena but then when he made a joke he said "oh yes, I stole some Ribena from a random girl on the train" to his friend. Random girl on the train wasnt the label I wanted, and I almost missed my train station hyperventilating over seeing him. Then he text e "you want me :P" and I dont know how he knows but of course its true.

Then again, I saw CC this morning and had a really nice time. We had THE TALK about dating and relationships and we decided that a closed but quite private relationship was good for us. He asked if I liked him. I said yes truthfully. The he asked if I liked anyone else. I answered no but all I could think was SB. 


When I see CC its very "Hi, you are an amazing person who makes me feel nice and special and we can have fun, be involved and watch a film or chat. You are nice."
When I see SB its more "You. Me. Your pants. NOW."

Obviously not that exactly but you get my drift.

The reason I am writing is because I am stressed out. Not about boys (or girls, or M) but over latin. Yes, you heard. Latin.
I have my latin GCSE tomorrow. I didnt revise and got a B in my mock. I have forgotten to revise. I have found that my friends have revised non stop and know all of the vocab and grammar. I think the most I will get is a B with my knowledge. I doubt my parents would be happy but they'd survive. I worry if I got a C they may cry. Because Tori and Livvy and Vicky would all get 100%s and I would die. 

I am too tired to cram revision, I will try and do some tomorrow before my 9am exam. If I fail, I'll write. 

Love xxx

Thursday 3 June 2010


I am writing from Marrakesh - the Capital of Morocco. I'm only here with mum and she is fine until she keeps pestering about me and CC.
He, by the way, told me to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother which was about defining a relationship and dating but not knowing it. I get the hint. :)
The guys here are clingy. There is a 23 year old waiter called briham and he finds me every day and its immensly awkward. :S
I cant write much because i am sharing a room with mum and she is asleep. ish.