Sunday 31 January 2010

Update ... Happy New Year!!!

Hey people.... person... myself.

Hows your life? Mine's better since my last update! :D We've had a new year and oh dear Lord what a new year it was. I've just checked, my last post was 1st December and I was very upset. Since then I've had my birthday, christmas, new year, ups and downs. I haven't got the guts to read my last update so here is a new post with everything that happened since in :

December 5th
Accidently gate crashed a party of a girl in the year above, got off with a drunk 17 year old and found out that one of my best male friends liked me but didn't think I liked him.

December 6th
Got off with the guy who liked me (Lets call him "C"), found out that a girl that hates me is in love with him as is another of my friends.

December 11th
Birthday!!! good day, all my friends waiting for me and evening meal with parents.

Cant remember much of december but xmas was good, lots of clothes and prezzies, too much chocolate :D

New Years : Fun


Got off with "C" a couple more times, oops. I do like him but it's too complicated. I think.

Random :

In the meantime I've made another boy "J" fall in love with me.
My ex boyfriend from a couple of years ago is stalking me. Lets call him "H". He facebook stalks me and keeps showing up when I'm around.
I miss one of the guys "A" that I used to be friends with and he's not really talking to me since the year 11 December 6th incident.

Last Weekend :
Went through a very depressed phase but didnt have laptop so couldn't write about it. Felt a bit like a worthless slut but Ive now found out it could have been pms... :S oops. Got a lot of sympathy though which was nice.

Last Week:

Everyone thought I had this winter flu thing but Im not sure I did. I threw up a couple of times and was going from hot to cold but it wasnt that bad, I couldnt face school after my depressed stage though so I left for the week. Probably not the best idea with all the catch up Ive got to do but it was useful that I got a break.
Last Night :

Went to Becky's with Alice, Becky's boyfriend and "H". See what I mean?!   They left at 6 and Me Bex and her little bro had a meal while her parents were out. 10 oclock "H" turns up claiming to have been beaten up. Covered in cuts and cigarette burns in his pocket. Says he was at the station and they've had him for hours but we know for a fact that he had been taken home. Packet of cigarettes in his pocket that wasnt there before (self harm...?). Dad thinks he was high and "H" broke Mums car accidently. Parents dont like "H".

Tired. Feeling a bit sick after too much food and chocolate. Feeling very fat with my parents making fat comments and eaten so much. Got a proper tummy now which sticks out and I cant push in. I want to work it off but I have lost my self control because of tiredness. Wrote a poem based on a quote which I'll publish in a new post in a min. Generally odd time but I do miss this blog and will update more now. Its been 2 months. Sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hey :D Feel free to comment, appreciate any advice and if you just want to rant about something to anyone who doesnt know you feel free :D