Sunday 16 May 2010


The last post was an essay for English. I don't remember writing the last paragraph. It scared me to read it to the class when I found it.

How is everyone?

I feel ugly. I can say it. Sometimes you look in the mirror and feel beautiful, and sometimes you dont. Sometimes thin, sometimes fat.
It's one of those days. i was going to see CC but I felt about as attractive as Susan Boyle on a bad day. I wanted to see him. I wanted to cheer up a bit.

RE GCSE on Tuesday. Yey. I worry that I havent revised or slept. but Im going to try my best when I get in the exam and hope for the best.

Im so tired, I barely know whats going on. Im going off SB kind of, but when I see him I still get goosebumps. Im a flirt by nature though, and so I am pretty sure there is nothing there. I just realised that SB backwards is BS. Oh the irony.

I dont know whats going on at the moment. I havent noticed days passing, deadlines getting closer. I should be stressed. I really should.


Mind Mind Mind Mind.

All that is on it.


Well thats not true. I keep thinking about CC. I actually do and it scares me. ive trained myself not to fall in love, or even into like. I dont want to hurt him, I feel guilty flirting. I never feel guilty flirting but hes done this THING to my brain!

Oh deary me. Giddy giddy aunts and high heavens above.

Im off to bed. This post may need to be deleted at some point in the future.

Im sorry.

:p xxx

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