Friday 16 April 2010


Ive grown up with ample money, and Im not spoilt but I am very very lucky. My parents are sensible. If I say I want a top and I want it now because its pretty, I dont get it. If I find a top, try it on, check the price and make sure I really want it and not something else then normally I can have it :)
Because of this, Ive never even thought about theft. People laugh at me (nicely). "You too scared to nick something from Primark?!" ... but Im not too scared, I just dont see the point.
Dads been off work for ages now, and Mum only works a few hours a week. My school fees are bloody expensive and Im taking a £3500 trip to Borneo next year which I need to make the money for and if I dont they need to pay the difference.Obviously, money is a big thing on my mind at the moment.

The reason for all the build up is that I went to croydon with a friend yesterday. Fi. She goes on about her family being poor, but she does round the world cruises, new houses and she spent over £200 on our little trip. I spent £20 and borrowed some for lunch. I felt guilty. But the thing is, we went to House of Fraser to get some Jelly Beans. Little bag, no staff around. It would have been so easy just to put them in my bag and wander off. Its basically empty and there was no one on checkouts or watching out. We went to a clothes shop and it was so tempting just to slip a nice top in my bag. I honestly thought I was going to, it was only at the last minute I changed my mind, and I dont know how obvious that was...

It worries me that Id go against what I think is right and wrong so easily. ... I hope I can snap out of this.

Anyway, Ive had about 4 hours sleep in the last 48 hours (no exaggeration - promise) but I did manage to get that Spanish project and drama essay done. Go me.

Ah well, speak soon. Maybe. Ive been writing more recently. How odd. :)



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