Wednesday 14 April 2010

I hate Computers

Ok so I know this post is the epitome of irony but I have to make my point. Even though I am typing on a computer, sometimes something happens to make me remember just how much I hate them. Not shutting down or the blue screen of death or anything, but mainly stuff in real life. Reality. Shocker.

Here's what happened. Normally I spend all night on the computer. Exaggeration I hear you ask? Unfortunately no. From about 6pm to 3am (So 9 HOURS a day) Im on the computer. Not even studying, which would be useful. Im watching bbc iplayer, trawling through 200 pages of "failblog" and "graphjam"... even the voting pages. Tumblr and blogspots, reading about people who have as much spare time as me to write weird entrys.

Yesterday, I got tired, so I put down my laptop and picked up a book Mum had bought me the other day. 'Succubus Blues'. I read half way and then put it down. It was amazing. This sounds so corny but its so *nice* ti settle down with a book and forget facebook etc. I open facebook everytime I walk into my room. That is alot of times. 9 times out of 10, nothing changes. Go me. And my social life.

Obviousley, I know computers are great for working, and the occasional movie or catch up with mates, but I am going to try to avoid it a bit more. Its just so annoying!

Nothing particularly interesting has happened recently. I passed Grade 5 cornet. Go me. I have 3 days before going back to school and need to do a Spanish project and a Drama essay. And I have friends over all today and tomorrow. Oops.

Lovelife wise, (isnt it funny how we call it a lovelife and yet I refuse to fall in love) nothing much. Me and CC got a bit closer (in all respects) but havent spoken to JH. Its been a weird holiday not seeing M, but probably good for me. I stalk her on facebook sometimes though. Just the pictures. Wow.

Meh, alright. Im off to Croydon to meet a friend now :) Will write soon. Probably. Well no, lets face it, I probably wont as usual, but Ill pretend I mean to.

Love :)

Me in a better mood xxx

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